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Vera Kohn Alkalaj - Online Memorial Website

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Vera Kohn Alkalaj
Born in Croatia
86 years
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Leon Alkalai
Life partners for over 50 years, Vera and Joshko in Cica's appartment on Vera's 79th birthday.
Leon Alkalai
 Best friends for 70 years, Vera and Cica in Cica's appartment in Belgrade for Vera's 79th birthday.
Leon Alkalai
This picture is of Baka with the Alkalai family (Lea, Daniel, Jonathan, Adam and I) and with our family from Israel including Lily, Roniti, Amir, Niv and Yael. They were visiting us for Jonathan's Bar Mitzvah. Here we are at the Tempo Israeli restaurant in Encino, eating humus, tehina, kebab, etc. This picture is taken in March 2006.
Leon Alkalai

This is a picture from Baka's birthday on July 8th, 2006, that is her 85th birthday, surrounded by friends including Vera Draganic, Vera Mijojlic, Miss Daisy our neighbor, Laura Montealegre, Adam and me ...


Please add this picture to a new album called 85th Birthday in LA

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